Charles Curtis


A black (w)hole as we know it.

What makes a city old? Any information doesn't get lost.

Peiraios is the street connecting the city with the sea. The passage connects the city-center with the old market on number one.

The building's manner suggests that it used to be residential. The apartment owns a room for a house keeper tuned to the kitchen's reality. That reality is similar to Bob's view seeing Alice frozen yet alive forever in time to the event horizon. Its floor is a mosaic. Stones, like particles, float in space. Of athenian concrete. But what does Charles Curtis see? Charles is a new Bob, he sees the (w)hole. Charles sees like the camera because he is aware of the strings. The whole is slowing down on July 10th as it has always been. Certainly Alice is going down into the black hole and she becomes one with the whole. But that's Alice, strange things are happening to her all the time.

What makes the space a place? Any information doesn't get lost. In black hole realities, 3D perspective can shift into a 2D hologram surface where particles, times, splits and connections can project on all the parts of what is of a location; to call it a space would confin(it)e potential parts by a billion billion so that they can only be viewed and not realizing their activity and the information they carry.

A place is infinite time of planes. All its particles are aware of their activities and the information they carry.

Charles Curtis plays pieces for cello by Alvin Lucier probably at 7pm

It is Charles playing the strings certainly not Alice and certainly not us seeing Charles playing the strings. At the second floor for the first time in Athens.

Charles has woven a unique path of consistency on new and experimental music with emphasis on the interpretation of the post-John Cage American avant-garde. He has worked extensively with pioneers of new music La Monte Young, Alvin Lucier and Éliane Radigue in collaborations which straddle the boundaries between concert performance, installation and sound art. Curtis has commissioned and premiered works that re-define the cello, re-frame its basic acoustics, and place the fundamental physics of instrument and performance space in a new light.

Curtis has led La Monte Young's legendary Theatre of Eternal Music String Ensemble for more than two decades, and he is a member of The Just Alap Raga Ensemble, the performance group of La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela. Alvin Lucier's compositions dedicated to Curtis include works for solo cello and pre-recorded orchestra, cello and sine waves, and cello and piano. Eliane Radigue, a pioneer of tape music composition since the 1950's, created her very first work for an acoustic instrument, Naldjorlak, specifically for Curtis. Fluxus artists Alison Knowles and Mieko Shiomi have also created original music for Curtis, including graphic and text-based scores.

For the grand opening of matter on July 10th, Charles Curtis will perform pieces for cello by Alvin Lucier. Doors open at 7pm.

Alvin is sad he cannot be with us and we are sending him our warmest thoughts.


Peiraios 1, 2nd floor Athens 104 31 (map)